Jimmy Skeen has been pastoring for 21 years. He and his wife Sueanne love the local church. They have been married for 20 years and have two teenage sons. They are keenly aware of our need to engage our neighborhoods differently for churches to fulfill their mission. These are interesting and challenging days that offer unique missional opportunities. Jimmy excels at seeing opportunities and motivating people to take steps to make it happen. Sueanne has a unique skill set for starting and managing successful businesses. Both have a heart to bless the local church. Why are they qualified to help you? Jimmy and Sueanne have the right combination of local church experience and practical business know-how to help churches engage their community through missionally aligned opportunities that not only positively impact the community, but allow for churches to diversify their income stream and maximize their space. Jimmy is a coach at heart, he is not a consultant. He is invested in any partnership and will work to see your church advance in its mission and realize your dreams.

JImmy Skeen
Founder & President